Blimey! It’s been a dramatic time for fans of ace labyrinthine Tottenham club The Cause. The post-industrial venue, which opened 18 months ago with a mission to host epic late-night underground parties as well as raise funds for worthy causes, has been under a cloud for a while now. As co-founder Stuart Glen puts it: ‘Styx (a nightclub opposite) closed last NYE and has since been bulldozed. The petrol station next door has been demolished. We see cranes every day. A few weeks ago, we didn’t think we had any options.’ The Cause was scheduled to close this NYE, after an enormo banger of a party to see the venue off. But the property developers behind the whole area have unexpectedly pressed pause on the work and given the club what could be a major extension, possibly stretching to next summer.
It gets better. A series of licensing changes, submitted by the club to the local council as far back as last April, have also just been approved. It means the venue can now run until 6am (previously 5am) on weekends, 3am on Wednesdays and 4am on Thursdays. It also raises the prospect of 24-hour events on bank holiday weekends too. This flurry of good news for London nightlife comes just a few days after the venue announced plans to transition to a nearby space, which – in the club's enigmatically heroic style – was brought to the club's attention by a loyal patron of the venue, a 55-year-old Romanian raver named Nikolai. He’s a regular face at the venue, who belies his age by getting stuck in (often shirtlessly) to the dirtiest techno London has to offer. Here’s a pic of the legend known as Nikolai (in the middle).

Big up to ALL of London’s shirtless 55-year-old ravers! Stay tuned for more updates on The Cause’s future. And read more about Tottenham’s nightlife scene here.