Have you got a canine chum who’s in the market to upgrade their tatty dog bed to a puppy palace? Get them along to St Pancras International or Stratford International stations, where animal charity Blue Cross is displaying over 60 strange and unique dog kennels for your furry friend. The designer dog homes have been created by a mix of celebrities, renowned architects, artists and designers, including mosaicist Ivan Djidev, Zaha Hadid Architects, Bruce Oldfield and, er, Anne Robinson… so, a fairly eclectic bunch.

Singer Russell Watson is also in on the action, and he’s given his kennel red curtains, lighting and a backstage area inspired by his performance career, so any doggy divas out there should be calling dibs on that one. You can see all the weird and wonderful creations right here. Keep an eye out for the wicker dog sculpture and the castle kennel.
Okay, we grant you, this all sounds a bit bonkers. But, it’s all in a good cause. The homes will be on display at the stations from Monday March 19 to April 26 when people will be invited to bid to take home their favourite as they’re auctioned off for charity. All profits will go to Blue Cross and the US-based Outdoor Arts Foundation to help them look after thousands of sick, injured, homeless and unwanted pets. So, there’s no better incentive to get your pooch a paw on the property ladder.

The designer ‘doggy dream homes’ will be on display on the upper mezzanine of St Pancras International and at Stratford International from Monday March 19 to April 26. The auction will take place on April 26 between 7pm and 10.30pm at the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel. Register to attend here.
When your dog’s not lounging around in his palatial dog basket, take him to these pooch-friendly spots in London.
Love for feathers as well as fur? This map shows London’s birds and where to spot them.