The reopening of Peckham rooftop bar Frank’s Cafe marks the start of summer for London. It's like a ritual. The bar announces its return date and the weather immediately brightens up. The hangout perched on the roof of a multi-storey carpark, and part of Bold Tendencies arts organisation, typically announces its return for the summer towards the end of May each year. This time they've gone early. Who can blame them. So mark May 14 in your diary.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We are delighted to be re-opening once more @BoldTendencies on the 30th of May!
— Frank's Cafe at Bold Tendencies (@frankspeckham) April 10, 2019
Bold Tendencies are excited to present their Summer Season 2019, FICTION, opening 30 May. Full programme and tickets on sale 25 April pic.twitter.com/b8eL97ZoUC
As usual there will be restaurant quality food, eye-watering views and a general, Negroni-fuelled sense of peace and love. As far as rooftop bars go, it's definitely among London's best. Even if you do have to pass a dozen Instagram poseurs in that stairwell to get there.
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As before, Frank’s Cafe will be in operation to coincide with Bold Tendencies’ opening hours – this year, 11am to 11pm on Thursdays to Sundays. The rooftop bar will be running in accordance with health and safety guarantee which may mean capacity is reduced. As ever bookings can't be taken in advance, entry is free, and punters will be asked to leave their contact details at the door or to enter them online via a QR code supplied. You can find more information here.
Other than that, it’s business as usual (plus hand sanitiser), with Negronis and Spritzes at the bar and Lebanese-leaning bar snacks. Worth pointing out too that if Frank's proves a bit busy (imminently possible considering how much everyone loves it), you now have food and drink hotspot Peckham Levels in the vicinity.
Bold Tendencies can be found 7th-10th Floor Multi Storey Car Park, 95A Rye Ln, SE15 4ST
Not up for queuing at Frank’s? Check out these other awesome rooftop bars now taking bookings.
London's best outdoor dining spots