Anyone who has ever legged it down a platform before hearing that dreaded, day-ruining, door-closing beep will know that train stations aren’t traditionally places of light-hearted mirth. Kudos, then, to whichever bright spark at Southeastern decided to spend today changing all references to St Pancras to ‘St Pancake’ in honour of the tasty Shrove Tuesday celebrations.
Here’s how London reacted to the prank…
The @Se_Railway “St Pancake station” is great! 😂😂
— James Waters (@jameswaters) February 13, 2018
However we must spare a thought for those that have been up all night constructing the replica St Pancras railway station from nothing but Eggs, Flour & Milk. #pancakes #PancakeDay #ShroveTuesday pic.twitter.com/fo5xeovFDj
London st pancake 😆 pic.twitter.com/strcEBQ65Y
— Jessica Read (@jessicavsjess) February 13, 2018
Just did a double-take at Ashford Int' when I saw the signs to St Pancras had been changed to St Pancake, whoever is behind this @nationalrailenq @Se_Railway bravo 👏 pic.twitter.com/eaWcGCTV6S
— Matthew Boakes (@MatthewBoakes) February 13, 2018
Giving away chocolate filled pancakes at "St Pancake " station today ☺ pic.twitter.com/dU079i5Pii
— Katie and Cookie (@KatieAndCookie) February 13, 2018
Happy St Pancake Day! pic.twitter.com/HxGJloc5ld
— Jon Boydon (@JonBoydon) February 13, 2018
They’ve even installed a pancake-making stall at the station itself: proof that a little bit of batter can lighten anyone’s spirits.
Now go flip out at London’s best Pancake Day events.
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