
There have been plans for a ‘Mamma Mia!’ sequel pretty much since the first film, presumably delayed while they were sorting through the $1bn it made at the box office. But, at last, ‘Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again’ is arriving and there’s a suitably kitschy new trailer to set the scene. Here’s what we’ve gleaned from it.
1. It’s a sequel AND a prequel
Solving the problem of whether to go back to the beginning or pick up where the first film left off, ‘Here We Go Again’ does both. Clever or merely indecisive? Time will tell.
2. It’s a time-travelling ABBA movie
With the trailer cutting back and forth between happy older Donna (Meryl Streep) and melancholy young Donna (Lily James – and to buy this, you’ll need to have not seen anything Meryl did before ‘Out of Africa’), it gets dizzying fast. It’s basically ‘Interstellar’ in espadrilles.
3. Pierce Brosnan isn’t singing
People have come to see Pierce sing and yet, no Pierce singing. Something to do with Brexit, we’ll wager.
4. Cher’s arrival
Like John Hammond’s arrival into Jurassic Park, Her Cherness flies in by chopper before asserting – a bit dubiously – that ‘the best kind of parties’ are the ones you aren’t invited to. To paraphrase Hammond, Cher finds a way.
5. Is older Donna going to make it?
Does death become Meryl’s character in the film? The trailer hints that all is not well with Donna, but surely a ‘Mamma Mia!’ movie won’t bring tragedy and tears? Or will it? Is she about to meet her Waterloo?
‘Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again’ is in cinemas on July 20