
Emma Watson has hidden copies of ‘Little Women’ all around London

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott

If you’re after a little early Christmas present, it’s well worth going out on a hunt around London for a free copy of ‘Little Women’. 

If it’s passed you by, Louisa May Alcott’s story has been adapted into a movie, directed by Greta Gerwig and starring Emma Watson, Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh and Eliza Scanlen. We cannot wait for it to hit cinemas – our film team has already seen it and gave it a shiny five-star review. And to celebrate its impending release, Emma Watson has been running around London hiding free copies of the book. 

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Book fairies love finding places that mean something. Today, Emma visited this statue of Mary Seacole at St Thomas’ Hospital in London to hide copies of Little Women as part of #LWBookFairies. Here’s a little about the statue and why it’s important: Mary Jane Seacole was a British-Jamaican business woman and nurse who set up the "British Hotel" behind the lines during the Crimean War. She described this as "a mess-table and comfortable quarters for sick and convalescent officers", and provided succour for wounded servicemen on the battlefield. Sculptor Martin Jennings’ striking work is believed to be the first statue in the UK dedicated to a named black woman. #emmawatson #ibelieveinbookfairies #london #maryseacole #littlewomen

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Watson has previous for slyly distributing books around London. She hid copies of Maya Angelou’s novel ‘Mom & Me & Mom’ around the tube network back in 2016.    

So where can you get your hands on a copy this time? We know that Watson has hidden ‘Little Women’ near the Mary Seacole statue on the South Bank, the Agatha Christie memorial in Covent Garden, the Amy Winehouse statue in Camden and the Suffragette Memorial in Christchurch Gardens, but there could be countless other locations. 

Books hidden by Watson have a little sticker inside saying that the ‘Harry Potter’ actress was the one who left it there, but there will be plenty of copies distributed by others too. Watson’s novel mission is part of a bigger, worldwide book drop organised by The Book Fairies. 2,000 copies of ‘Little Women’ will be given away in 38 countries this week. 

Missed out on a copy? Check out London’s best bookshops instead. 

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