
Druids are gathering at Tower Hill today. Here’s why.

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Things To Do Editors

Druids? In London? What’s the world coming to…

Actually, The Druid Order  has existed in London for donkey’s, since 1717 in fact. And every year, a group of them throw on their flapping white robes for a public ceremony in Tower Hill called the spring equinox.

But what’s it all for?

The druids describe themselves as a spiritual group, but they don’t have a religion. They base their philosophy on living in harmony with the cycles of nature. A big part of that is the ‘four quarter’ ceremonies: one in autumn on Primrose Hill, a big summer one at Stonehenge, a winter party and tomorrow’s spring equinox, at the time of year where day and night are in balance.

So what actually happens?

The group will form a druid circle on Tower Hill Terrace and blow a trumpet to call for ‘peace within’. Then ‘the lady’ (representing the earth mother, Ceridwen) enters and sprinkles seeds on the ground. It’s all meant to represent the sowing of ideas or plans for the year ahead. When the ‘sowing’ is complete, one of the druids will give a short talk, followed by a moment of meditation. Really, it’s just a chance to reflect the changing of the seasons while lorries and cars whizz by beyond the circle. And no, you don’t need a robe to join.

How do I get a robe though?

Become a druid, obviously. Or make your own. Whatever works for you.

Meet at Tower Hill Terrace. Tube: Tower Hill. Wed Mar 20, around noon. Free. Find out more here

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