A big ol’ buzzword, kindness is something a lot of people chat about but sometimes forget to put into action. Strangely, it’s a beer brand who are wearing their hearts on their sleeves and helping to raise awareness – and much needed cash – for the admirable work of Age UK Lambeth. And there’s something in it for you too!
If you take an elderly friend, relative or neighbour along with you to Brixton Brewery’s taproom from July 29 to August 1, they’ll give you a free beer. Called ‘Bring Your Nan To Enjoy A Can’, it's all about raising awareness for Age UK Lambeth’s MYneighbour scheme, which pairs its elderly members with younger volunteers. The plan to not just about staving off loneliness and dealing with social isolation, but also about letting the different generations learn a little from each other.
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They're asking for a small donation to Age UK Lambeth in exchange for the can, which seems fair enough. If this all sounds lovely and wholesome but you don’t have an old timer in your life to take to the taproom, then Age UK Lambeth has got your back. They're letting you book a 30 minute slot to have a natter with one of their members of advancing years. You can tell them about TikTok, they can tell you about how it was actually quite easy to buy a three-bed house in London in the 1970s. A fair exchange.
Over the past few months Age UK Lambeth and Brixton Brewery have been hard at work on Generation Pale Ale – the beer you’ll get for gratis. A tipple made to raise dosh for Age UK, the beer celebrates MYneighbour, which has seen over 10,000 hours’ worth of calls made between volunteers and Age UK members over the past year. The volunteers also pop over to say hi to their new mates, as well as delivering hot meals. Innit heartwarming?
On the four day deal’s opening day (that’s July 29), over 60s DJ Shadow Sister will be playing tunes from 5pm. If you can’t make it down then you can buy Generation Pale Ale at Brixton Brewery’s website as well as at the taproom throughout the summer. Remember, the old ones are always the best.
Brixton Brewery Taproom, Arch 548, Brixton Station Rd, SW9 8PF
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