Ever ordered a cab to take you somewhere and suddenly a helicopter turns up at your door? Nope, me neither. However, launched on August 23, Bolt has partnered with the London Air Ambulance Charity in recognition and celebration of the 32-year-long service provided from the air to residents in the capital.
Passengers can find the ‘helicopter’ option on the app in between the XL and electric car ride-type. It is almost identical to a standard journey, only you are charged an additional 50p on top of the fare which is then donated directly to the charity. The campaign, running until the end of Air Ambulance Week on September 12, is raising money for an invaluable service, reliant on public donations, that has treated and transported more than 43,000 patients since it started 32 years ago. The charity, the only of its kind in London, provides a round-the-clock advanced trauma service that can perform immediate life-saving procedures otherwise found only in hospitals.
@tonyz.777 Real or fake? U decide😬#bolthelicopter #ubercopter #london #ldn #bolt
The partnership between Bolt and the London Air Ambulance has created quite the stir on Tik-Tok, with Londoners posting instances of rapid-spinning-rotary-surprises arriving at their desired location after choosing the helicopter option on the app.
Personally, we’re not too convinced, but have a look for yourself and decide what you think.