
A top London comedy club has banned people with Botox

The Top Secret Comedy Club claims immobile faces have killed the vibe at its two London locations

Andrzej Lukowski
Written by
Andrzej Lukowski
Theatre Editor, UK
Top Secret Comedy Club bans Botox
Photo: Secret Comedy Club | Angry man from Top Secret Comedy Club

A beloved London comedy club has made a bizarre attack on people who’ve had Botox injections, claiming that there are so many of them in its audiences that the vibe has been compromised at its two London venues.

As a result, the well-regarded Top Secret Comedy Club – so called because of its frequent secret big-name guests – is apparently formally banning anyone who has had Botox.

In a bizarre press release that seems to be in earnest, the club has said that ‘the drastic move to inject more emotion back into the club comes after stand up acts shared their concerns that Botoxed-up Brits’ frozen faces aren’t reacting to their jokes’.

There’s a lot to unpack there, and it of course remains entirely possible that this is a wind-up. It is a comedy club, after all, and the allegations made are pretty outlandish.  

But it would seem pretty weird to launch an ad hominem attack on random group of people if you didn’t earnestly have a problem with them. Assuming it’s in earnest… well, presumably folk who’ve had Botox aren’t a protected minority and can be banned at will, but it does seem like a fairly obnoxious policy. People have their own reasons for getting Botox! If such a large proportion of your audience is Botoxed that it’s noticeably affecting the vibe of your club then maybe banning them all isn’t a great idea! And it has to be said that putting out a press release saying ‘people aren’t laughing enough at our venues’ does not exactly sell them. 

Still, they’ve succeeded in making the news and if you too despise people who for whatever reason have had work done (although apparently medical Botox is exempt) then you can hang out with like-minded folk at the Top Secret Comedy Club.

Top Secret Comedy Club has locations at 170 Drury Lane and 23 Kingsway. People with Botox are banned from both, supposedly (though, according to the club, those using Botox for medical purposes are exempt).

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