A hidden area in the top of Westminster Abbey which has never been opened to the public before has been turned into a museum. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries are set a stonking 16 metres above the Abbey’s floor in the medieval Triforium and will house 300 objects from the Abbey’s collection. We’re talking funeral effigies, altarpieces and corsets, here: the good stuff. It’s all accessed through a new tower, the Weston Tower, which is the first addition to the Abbey since 1745. If old stuff in an old place is your kind of thing, you’re going to really, really bloody love this. Here are some images to prove it:
A monk's shoe!

A creepy wax effigy of Nelson!

A creepy effigy of William Pitt!

And then the big fancy new Weston Tower

Looks nice, eh? Go have a look for yourself.