Most of us couldn’t believe it when we found out that the queue to see Queen Elizabeth II lying in state could be more than four miles long and take up to 12 hours. But the predictions were right; thousands of people flocked to join the queue and get a chance to see the late monarch’s coffin. The mourners arrived with snacks and supplies — tents and camping equipment included — but were bound the get thirsty.
One savvy Londoner, Lizzie Dearden, created a map with 13 pubs located along the lying in state queue and posted it to Twitter. Starting off with the Angel, near the beginning of the queue near Southwark Park in Bermondsey, the pub crawl ends at Waterloo Tap next to Waterloo station, following the queue’s route along Southbank. Other pubs on the map include Doggett's in Southwark and The Understudy by the National Theatre.
As a south-of-the-river person, I hereby gift everyone in the queue for the Queen's lying in state a map of all the decent pubs en route (or very close to it) pic.twitter.com/V2CtVh5pnY
— Lizzie Dearden (@lizziedearden) September 14, 2022
Currently, the queue is temporarily paused after it reached maximum capacity, but you can stay updated here.