
6 places around the world that look like scenes from a Wes Anderson film

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Time Out London editors
Ever been somewhere and felt like you were in a Wes Anderson movie? Wally Koval turned this phenomenon into a website of places that could be scenes from one of the idiosyncratic director’s films. Here he talks us through some favourites.

Hotel Opera, Prague

Hotel Opera, Prague


‘After stumbling upon a picture of this “Grand Budapest”-like hotel, I now have my heart set on where I want to stay if I go to Prague.’

Milburn House, Newcastle upon Tyne

Milburn House, Newcastle upon Tyne


‘This could be in “Fantastic Mr Fox” – I can almost hear the creak of the door opening and then a slam as the character’s feet pitter-patter away.’

Tramcar, Lisbon

Tramcar, Lisbon


‘It’s hard not to picture Bill Murray’s businessman character in “The Darjeeling Limited” sitting in this tramcar reading a newspaper.’

Washington State Ferry

Washington State Ferry


‘I wish I was sitting here with a cup of coffee, watching other boats in the distance, while travelling through Puget Sound.’

Schloss Moritzburg, Germany

Schloss Moritzburg, Germany


‘Dream wedding reception location or vegan’s nightmare? The symmetrical decor is unique and these hunting trophies are really valuable.’

Lifeguard tower, Australia

Lifeguard Tower, Gold Coast, Australia


 ‘I’m waiting for Team Zissou to come storming across the beach or the kids from “Moonrise Kingdom” to pop out of the lifeguard tower.’

To see more photos like these visit and @accidentallywesanderson on Instagram.

There are plenty of places in London that look like they’re out of a Wes Anderson film

Read our interview with the man himself.

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