Georgian London was a huge hotbed of social change, and right at the heart of it sat King George II and Queen Caroline’s fashionable court at Kensington Palace.

Kensington Palace: London’s original fashion catwalk

‘The Glorious Georges’ is a celebration of the 300th anniversary of the start of the Hanoverian era. Discover more about the trendsetters, the fashions and daily life at Kensington Palace in the court of George II

A glittering royal court
The glamorous lifestyle and passions of King George II and his wife Queen Caroline reflect 18th-century London at its most vibrant. Establishing lavish new trends in design and architecture at Kensington Palace and entertaining the greatest artists, thinkers and socialites at court, the couple presided over a golden era until Caroline’s death in 1737.
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  • Kensington
Dressed for the occasion
Dressed for the occasion
From grand balls to artistic salons, Kensington Palace welcomed the great and the good, the wealthy and the fashionable. All the ladies wore a mantua, an elaborate dress over whalebone hoops – some so wide that the courtiers had to walk sideways through doors to make their grand entrances. They were, however, the perfect display of wealth. One of the highlights on display for ‘The Glorious Georges’ is the stunning Rockingham Mantua. Made of French silk and beautifully decorated in stripes and flower garlands of silver threads and silver lace, it’s thought to have been owned by Lady Rockingham, the prime minister’s wife, for her court appearances.
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