Photograph: Tom Visser
Photograph: Tom Visser

The best dance and ballet shows in February 2025

The biggest and best dance shows to hit London up this month

India Lawrence

February is big month for dance in London, because the new Sadler’s Wells East will officially open. I’m so excited to get down to Stratford to see the new space which now means that London will now have tonnes more innovative and expermintal dance shows on every month. 

This Feb you should be excitied about Humanhood’s ‘dance theatre meditation’ at Sadler’s East, as well as Phaedra + Minotaur, a collaboration between the Royal Ballet and Royal Opera at the Royal Opera House, and the inaugural Rose International Dance Prize, which is dance’s answer to the Turner Prize. 

Here are the best dance shows in London this February. 

India is in charge of dance listings at Time Out. She was first shoved into a leotard and ballet shoes aged four, and has loved it ever since. Nowadays India prefers contemporary (or throwing shapes in the club) to ballet, but still has a soft spot for the odd grand jeté every now and again. As well as being a dancer herself, India has been reviewing dance all over London since joining Time Out in 2022. 


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Dance in February

  • Dance
  • Ballet
  • Covent Garden

You won’t want to miss this production from the legendary Canadian choreographer Crystal Pite. This mesmerising contemporary ballet sees a fluid sea of dancers move through stunning shafts of light, as it explores ideas of safe passage, displacement, community and mortality. Making it all the more moving is the score: Polish composer Henryk Górecki’s mournful Symphony No 3. 

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