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Caught out in Croydon on a rainy day? There’s nothing better than curling up in front of a huge screen to help pass the time. Vue Croydon Grant’s ten screen-cinema shows all the latest releases with two screens set up for 3D viewings.
Each week, we round up the most exciting film events happening in London over the coming week, from pop-ups and one-offs to regular film clubs, outdoor screenings and festivals. Here’s this week’s top five…
1. Film4 Frightfest: 'Hawk the Slayer'
Somewhere in the mists of time (or dry ice to you and me), Hawk the Slayer roamed a land of painted backdrops, cardboard castles, and gauze-infested forests, fighting Evil and bringing Peace. His team: a dwarf, an elf, a giant and a witch who can turn a useful trick or two. His opponents: the rest of the world captained by big brother Jack Palance, a dirty player if ever there was one. The object of the game: kill each other. Sure, this not-quite-epic sword ’n’ sorcery adventure is pretty daft. But with director Terry Marcel launching a Kickstarter campaign to make long-awaited sequel ‘Hawk the Hunter’ (alongside composer Rick Wakeman!) we think it’s well worth revisiting.
Vue West End, 3 Cranbourn St, WC2H 7AL. Sun Aug 30, 1.20pm. £13.25.
2. Last Resort
A great excuse to check out the ultra-cool, DIY Deptford Cinema. In this compassionate, low-key British drama, Tanya and son Artiom arrive at Stansted airport from Moscow but don't get past immigration. Her fiancé never shows. She claims political asylum. The pair are dumped in Stonehaven (aka Margate) in midwinter, where they’re expected to subsist on vouchers until their case can be considered. But the desolation of this grey open prison is not allowed to overshadow a tender...
Catch all the latest flicks at this state-of-the-art chain in Croydon. It’s a bit rough around the edges but you’ll soon forgive its ills when you’re parked in front of one of the many big screens.
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