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A word to the wise: those who date cabaret singers would do well to conduct themselves with all due consideration or they might just end up being ripped a new one from the stage. Stepping out of her 'Blue Lady' persona, London's ukulele doyenne is very much herself here, presenting a set of original songs inspired by a lifetime of romantic misadventure. It’s not a terrifically original template but ‘Calamitous Liaisons’ soars thanks to Vogue’s easy manner, musical dexterity and – the crucial extra element – a rounded, sympathetic yet unsentimental sense of her own personality. Sporting boudoir chic, swigging from a bottle of white and exuding conversational warmth, she makes a virtuoso virtue out of the ukulele’s simplicity, turning it first to a calypso enhanced by improvised audience percussion; later to a quick-strummed ode to the joys of having, well, a quick strum; finally to an affecting and ingeniously nuanced ballad. Charming, accomplished and thoroughly loveable.
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