
Your Instagram feed is about to be full of cheeky Turner Prize pics 🍑

Sonya Barber
Written by
Sonya Barber
Local expert, London

The Turner Prize 2016 at Tate Britain has only been open for four hours and already our Instagram feeds have been flooded with arse. Anthea Hamilton's big gold bum seems to be the one work that bookies and Instagrammers are getting behind. Admittedly, a lot of these were from the opening party last night, but c'mon, it's clear that London likes big butts (and they can not lie).

So get down there soon armed with the peach emoji and a bum-based pun and post up a cheeky pic pronto. Here are a few already floating around.


Hanging out with a total arsehole. #turnerprize

A photo posted by Alex Hayden (@alexandrarosehayden) on


🍑 #turnerprize 2016 💯 @hamiltonanthea 👏 #GaetanoPesce 📸 @lieselotteseaton

A photo posted by Nathan CG (@followaginger) on


...cos we can all be. #turnerprize

A photo posted by Clara Amfo💛 (@claraamfo) on


A photo posted by de Volkskrant (@de_volkskrant) on


Looking up a crack #turnerprize this evening 🔥🔥🔥 #antheahamilton in real life capturing your imagination!

A photo posted by Princess Julia (@hrhprincessjulia) on


A photo posted by Vanessa Rivera (@vanessarivera00) on


A photo posted by Asata Maisé (@asatamatisse) on


Dat ass at the turner prize Tate Britain x @tate #tate #turnerprize

A photo posted by Artist (@ewawilc) on

 Even Grayson Perry had a go


A photo posted by Kit Turner (@kit_turner) on

Find out who's going to win the Turner Prize 2016.

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