Remember a time when people expressed their feelings by forming actual sentences rather than just sending the thumbs-up emoji? Yeah, those days are long gone. And it's about to get even easier to communicate in pictogram form thanks to a set of London-themed emojis including landmarks, tube roundels and, best of all, a Sadiq Khan emoji. And not just one Sadiq emoji – you can choose between smiley Sadiq or, er, sweaty and/or crying (?) Sadiq.

As well as actual station roundels, they've also brought everyone's favourite TfL symbol to life with these guys:

And there are plenty of food and drink options – craft beer and street food are a given, obvs.

And there are loads of London landmarks:

The emojis are available on the new Londonmoji app, which launches today, so you'll never have to use words again. 👍 👍 👍
Get the app for Apple or Android
Word shy? You can now order food and drinks using emojis at a bar in Notting Hill