
Who was your first ever screen crush?

Ellie Walker-Arnott
Written by
Ellie Walker-Arnott

If the movies are to be believed, first loves are unique and something you never, ever forget. But quite often that initial infatuation - that first wonderful, confusing, all-encompassing crush - is a little less tangible. Because the object of our affections isn't someone we actually know. It's Jack, the Titanic's ill-fated third-class passenger, a sexy, snake-hipped dance instructor at a fictional summer camp or an animated teenage lion. 

With that in mind, we want to know: who was your first ever screen crush? 

Which fictional figure first ignited that spark? And, with countless characters to chose from, why them? Share your first crush with us anonymously in the form below, and the most embarrassing/heartwarming will appear in a Time Out feature. 

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