Everyone always looks grumpy in art, so we decided to cheer up some famous paintings with FaceApp.
When that bong hits (Van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait at the National Gallery):

When you’re an ambassador and someone says ‘Mr. Ambassador, you’re spoiling us with these Ferrero Rocher!’ Haaa! CLASSIC fucking banter, mate! Classic! (Hans Holbein the Younger’s ‘The Ambassadors’ at the National Gallery):

When the guy taking the school photo cracks a wicked funny (Velazquez’s ‘Lady with a Fan’ at the Wallace Collection):

When your granddaughter says ‘oi, granddad, you look like a forking idiot! Get it?!’ and you TOTALLY get it because your granddaughter is fucking HILARIOUS (Grant Wood’s ‘American Gothic’ currently on show at the Royal Academy):

When your sons Phil and Grant get out of prison and come give you a surprise visit down the Old Vic (Manet’s ‘Bar at the Folie Bergere’ at the Courtauld Gallery):

When you’re called ‘Laughing Cavalier’ but you’re not actually laughing (Franz Hals’s ‘Laughing Cavalier’ at the Wallace Collection):

When you’re about to be crucified but your mate does his Ali G impression and you're like ‘maaaate! whatareyoulike?!’ (Hieronymous Bosch’s ‘Christ Crowned with Thorns’ at the National Gallery):

Find more (non-FaceApp’d) art right here.