If you've been watching Hardy's latest BBC drama 'Taboo' you'll no doubt have noticed that the 39-year-old's dialogue is rather grunt-heavy. In fact, his character James Delaney can often be seen groaning and grumbling his way around London's grimy back-alleys, while also fighting, murdering and frowning.
One rather dedicated viewer has decided to compile all of Hardy's grunts into one epic video. The video, from flypiefilms, only contains grunts from episodes one to five, so there are more to be added.
Currently, though, that's Tom Hardy grunting 72 times in just under 40 seconds, for your viewing pleasure.

Enjoy. And maybe just think twice before watching with the sound on in the office.
In other news, Tom Hardy read Britain a bedtime story on Valentine's Day. We think he's a bit of an animal in 'Taboo' and here he is with Harry Styles in upcoming war movie 'Dunkirk'