We all know that there are certain things you should never do on the tube. Start cracking smiles or making intense eye contact and you're definitely treading on dangerous ground, but breaking out in song? That's crossing all kinds of boundaries. But a group of people on the Northern Line decided to throw caution to the wind and do exactly that with a good old fashioned singalong of 'Lean on Me'.
A couple of people cracked out a guitar and a violin, singers were harmonising, there was ad-libbing, people were kissing and a random guy was dancing with an umbrella - you know, really heartwarming stuff. Admittedly, the singalong happened during the evening after people had presumably had a couple of pints and were up for a bit of casual harmonising - we can't imagine the same thing would go down so well with a load of bleary-eyed commuters during the morning rush hour.
Watch the video:

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