Did you know that it's been 350 years since the Great Fire of London? Luckily London has learned a lot since then, like not to construct buildings out of highly flammable timber, for instance. To mark the occasion, events company Artichoke is organising a mass dominoes display, where 26,000 breeze blocks will topple over one after the other, tracing the line of the fire.
It's a pretty ambitious thing to pull off, which is why they need some assistance. They're looking for 500 volunteers to help make sure everything runs smoothly. You can sign up in teams or individually, and you'll need to be available for a two-hour training session next week, as well as from 11am to 9pm (plus a post-dominoes party!) on September 3 for the event.
Find out more and sign up here.
Watch it in action in Marseille:

In other fire-related news, the London Fire Brigade spends more than £200,000 per year rescuing animals