'Apes! Do not! Want! War!' growled super-intelligent chimp Caesar (Andy Serkis) in the last Apes flick, 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'. But war clearly wants him, as both the title and the trailer for the new movie, 'War for the Planet of the Apes' go out of their way to prove. The film's not out until next summer, but there's so much to chew on in this trailer: Caesar and his simian chums ambushing a hapless human patrol in a cave colony; some awesome action on a giant concrete bridge; and most strikingly of all, Woody Harrelson in full muscled-up badass mode, shaving his head bare with a straight razor. Bring it on!

'War for the Planet of the Apes' is out on July 14 2017.
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