
Want to get high while you slide? This new ice cream promises the ultimate rush

Written by
Tom Howells

Let’s face it, Anish Kapoor’s snappily named ArcelorMittal Orbit sculpture/tower in the Olympic Park is a better slide than it is a piece of art. And it’s not just any slide. Oh no. It’s the world’s longest (178m!) and tallest (114.5m!) tunnel slide. 

As if that wasn’t thrilling enough, experimental food designers The Robin Collective have now invented Ice Scream specially for slide-riding Orbiters. It’s an ice cream full of sensory stimulants that are designed to enhance the rush of zipping down the Orbit. Each scoop contains pure caffeine, cocoa nibs, black walnut and chocolate (to increase sensory perception) and a pinch of espresso (to increase heart rate); it’s also served with a citrus spritz that provides further heady stimulation. Supposedly. The aim, they explain, is ’to create one of the most exhilarating rides anywhere in the world, leaving riders buzzing for hours… sometimes even days afterwards’. We’ll believe that when we feel it, but we’re certainly intrigued.

Keen to expand your mind? Drag yourself up the Orbit on Saturday July 29, when Ice Scream is available for free all day (or until supplies run out). See you on the other s(l)ide.

Fancy popping a pill with your next ice cream? Get yourself to Soho's Chin Chin Dessert Club

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