It's a well-known fact that estate agents don't speak like normal people. Anyone that uses the words 'ample storage' to describe a broom cupboard or gushes about a bathroom that 'benefits' from a bath is clearly not to be trusted. Another classic stock phrase is 'up and coming', which loosely translates as: 'It's kind of a shithole right now but in a few years' time there might be a coffee shop or something.' Fed up of meaningless estate agent-speak, a Londoner called Sam Floy has come up with a theory that tests whether an area really is up and coming.

His formula is pretty straightforward: high density of coffee shops + low density of chicken shops + low house prices = up and coming area. Simples. Using those three variables, Sam teamed up with data experts to create three heatmaps of London, including a map of all the chicken shops across the city, which shows that fans of fried poultry products will never go hungry in Holloway.

Using this highly scientific formula, the researchers found that Peckham, Southwark, Woolwich, Isle of Dogs, Colliers Wood and Willesden Junction are some of London's most up and coming areas. But if you're not convinced on judging an area by the number of Chicken Cottages per square foot, Sam's next study will look at fluctuations in the street price of coriander as well as the density of shops selling quinoa. And we're pretty sure he's not joking.
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