
Tweet a picture of this Pride mural and Equinox will give £1 to charity

Kate Lloyd
Written by
Kate Lloyd
Contributing writer

You know Equinox? That gym with the well-buff people in the adverts? They're doing something pretty brill for Pride month. The gym's commissioned artist David Flores to create interactive murals for walls in London, New York, and San Francisco.

The London wall will be on show on Berwick Street in Soho until July 4. Equinox say they'll donate £1 to UK charity The Pillion Trust whenever someone shares a picture of themselves with it, using #POWEREDBYPRIDE @Equinox. The charity supports vulnerable people including young people in crisis, women at risk of harm, the homeless, low income families and older people living in squaller.

Get snapping! 

Heading to Pride today? Here's the do's and don'tsSee our pick of the best Pride parties

Oh - and here's 19 things you didn't know about Pride.

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