If you're travelling at rush hour in London, it can feel like the whole goddamn city is trying to cram itself into one sweaty tube carriage. But how many people actually get the tube to work? Okay, so it's not the entire city, but a pretty big chunk, according to this handy colour-coded map, which uses data from the 2011 census and office of national statistics to show how people in different areas of London travel to work.

It won't come as much of a surprise that most people seem to get the tube to work – as denoted by the sea of orange above. But there are two purple spots where most people are getting the bus, which happen to include places like Camberwell and Stoke Newington, where bussing it is pretty much the only way to go.
Right in the middle of the map is a small patch of green, which represents those smug folks who somehow live in the centre of London and therefore have the luxury of taking a leisurely stroll to work. Surprisingly, the map suggests that not many people are cycling to work – but perhaps the two-wheeled boom hadn't quite taken off in 2011, when the data was collected.
So if you were wondering why you never manage to get a seat on the tube in the morning, this map pretty much sums it up.
Explore the map here.
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