Yesterday was not only the longest day of the year, it was also the hottest day of the year (so far), reaching a high of 34.5C. But the biggest problem for Londoners in such heat is travelling on the tube. If being stuffed under somebody’s sweaty armpit on the tube during rush hour wasn’t enough for you to appreciate how hot it got down there yesterday, these thermal images might make it clear.

These photos were taken on a Cat S60 smartphone fitted with a thermal-imaging camera. They show temperature contrasts from a distance of up to 50-100 feet, representing cooler temperatures with blue and hotter ones with orange and red.

They show passengers withstanding temperatures of up to 42.3C – nearly ten degrees hotter than it was outside (the legal heat limit for transporting cattle is 30C, incidentally). It will probably come as no surprise that the pictures were taken on the Central line, which was even more sauna-like than usual.