Last week, London art collective 'Better Than Spikes' decided to turn some anti-homeless spikes in Shoreditch into something much more appealing. As well as putting a mattress on top of the spikes, they supplied some books to read because, as they write on their Tumblr, ‘Nothing says “keep out” to a person more than rows of sharpened butt plugs’. We couldn't agree more. And now, architect James Furzer has come up with a plan to get London's homeless off the streets with these floating pods that can be attached to the side of buildings.
The pods would be held up by two steel frames and accessed by ladders from the street. James hopes that the project will help provide temporary accommodation so that rough sleepers can get a decent night's sleep. He's also looking to team up with engineers to fund a prototype and if the project gets off the ground, he plans to form partnerships with charities to manage the maintenance of the pods. It might not completely solve London's homeless crisis, but the pods are definitely a step in the right direction away from the anti-homeless spikes, or 'sharpened butt plugs' as they shall now be known.
Take a look at some more of James' designs:

Images: James Furzer