On Tuesday, thousands of people gathered in Trafalgar Square to protest against Britain leaving the European Union, despite the protest being cancelled due to safety concerns because of overcrowding. But if you missed it, there's another chance to have your voice heard at another protest on Saturday. From 11am until 4pm on July 2, people will be marching from Park Lane to Parliament.
Writing on the Facebook event, the organisers say they are encouraging people to show their support for 'a better, more prosperous, inclusive and kinder Britain, and help build momentum against one of the worst decisions our government will make in generations'. If you need a break from all that marching, head over to Trafalgar Square at 2pm where people will be congregating by Nelson's Column for a sing-along of Abba's 'S.O.S', which seems pretty appropriate.
Find out more about the protest and the sing-along