
'David Bowie Scary Monster smoking, London' 1980. Photo Duffy © Duffy Archive
January 8 2017 would have been David Bowie's big 7-0. Sadly, a couple of days later, we'll be marking a full year since he lost his battle with cancer. But Proud Galleries' Chelsea space will be paying tribute to the dear departed Starman by hosting an exhibition of photographs of him taken by another Brit legend, photographer Brian Duffy.
Duffy – who passed away in 2010 – shot to fame in the Swinging Sixties with his bold, ice-cool images of models, celebrities and fashion icons. Bowie, with his eccentric persona and mercurial style, must have made the perfect subject for Duffy. In fact, Proud describes their relationship as more of a 'partnership', which culminated in such iconic images as the 'Aladdin Sane' cover.
Obviously, this one's essential for fans of the Thin White Duke. Bring tissues. It might get emotional.
'Bowie by Duffy' is on display at Proud Chelsea from Jan 6 to Feb 5 2017.