
There’s an all-you-can-eat cheese festival coming to town

Written by
Tom Howells

A giant immersive cheese board. Man-sized mice. A double height fireplace. Unlimited cheese AND mulled wine.

‘What is this beautiful fever dream?’ I hear you cry. Well peeps, it's set to become a reality this Christmastime, when The Giant Cheeseboard – a new cheese festival – is coming to town. Specifically, to Greenwich and the nightclub/events space Studio 338.

Anyhow, they’re serious about that giant cheese board and the man mice. Punters will be able to wander round a room-sized board, sampling artisan cheeses served by oversized vermin. The £30 entrance fee gets you as much cheese and mulled wine as you can swallow; go hungry and sober and you’ll easily make your cash back. There will also be DJs playing ‘modern cheese anthems’. And cheesecake. And vegan alternatives for the cheese-averse (seriously though, why bother coming?). ‘This,’ the organisers state, ‘is going to change your life.’ That or give you terrible nightmare. We’ll take our chances.

For more information and tickets, check the Giant Cheeseboard Facebook page.

Not enough? Here are 11 other places to hit if you're a floozy for fromage.

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