
There's a big block party happening in Shoreditch this weekend

Written by
Stephanie Hartman

Back with a bang following a three year hiatus, Protein’s Block Party is filling Shoreditch with a healthy dose of food, fun and creativity this Saturday. Spilling out from Protein HQ, New Inn Yard will host grub gurus like Nanny Bills and Bel-Air, Radar Radio who’ve enlisted their favourite DJs to soundtrack proceedings and a cracking bunch of makers and shakers ready to get your creative juices flowing. Hato Press will be running zine-making workshops, Collage Club will get you cutting and sticking, Make-Ready will be pulling screen prints and neighbouring fitness studio Frame are hosting disco yoga and ‘Beyonce Barre’ throughout the day. Sounds pretty good, eh? 

Well the best bit about this bash is that it’s all for a good cause. Amnesty International will receive all the profit including money raised from the They Made This x The Art of Ping Pong auction where pingpong bats customised by graphic artists will be up for grabs. There will also be a display of jazzy totem poles to see, expertly designed by other artists and available to bid for online. 

Protein Block Party, New Inn Yard, Sat Sep 30. Noon-8pm. Free. Register in advance here

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