Ever wondered how rush hour on the tube in the 1920s would compare to today? Back in 1928, TfL released this advert that showed the tube's busiest times:

...and as it's currently on show at the TfL's Transported by Design exhibition, they've now made an updated version, comparing our tube habits of 1928 with the present day.

Obviously, in 1928 there was probably a higher density of men in bowler hats and a distinct lack of bleary-eyed commuters scrolling through Facebook on their iPhones, but apart from that, what's changed? For one thing, we've got lazier. The new poster shows that in 1928, rush hour kicked off at 5am, but now it starts at the marginally more civilised time of 6am. The old poster divided Londoners' evenings into handy time slots – '7-8 theatres, cinemas and restaurants IN' – but the 2015 poster says that Londoners' evening travel is 'more spread out'. Presumably all those roast potato pop-ups, underground cinemas and no-booking restaurants didn't really fall into the same neat categories of the 1920s. We're also using the tube way more, with four times as many journeys in 2015 compared to 1928. But one thing that hasn't really changed is the 'shoppers and pleasure-seeking' slot – thankfully we've still got plenty of time for the fun stuff.
Find out more about TfL's Transported by Design programme.
Or take a look at the top five worst times to be on the tube.