Remember the sheep in a dapper hat that was seen cruising around Streatham in a Volvo?
Not exactly what ewe'd expect to see in the back of a Volvo in a traffic jam in Streatham pic.twitter.com/anxn30CciN
— taraconlan (@taraconlan) January 8, 2017
Now, more details have emerged about the woolly backseat passenger. Amy the Sheep is not only dead stylish, she's a TV star and charity fundraiser to boot.
Amy is a mascot for St George's Hospital, Tooting, and she has been touring schools, care homes and making appearances at community events with handler Roger Reynolds since 2011.
Roger runs Kingston City Farm, which explains his love of sheep. He said: 'She has raised more than £18,000 for St George’s Hospital and has collected money for the Royal Marsden in Sutton, the Poppy Appeal and breast cancer charities. She has become something of an icon really and is now acting, it’s unbelievable really.'
Amazingly, Amy received a Prince's Trust award from former Mayor of Wandsworth Jane Cooper in recognition of her charity work.
And now we know why Amy looked so at ease chilling in the back of Roger's Volvo on Monday: the sheep's a star. The fund-raising farm animal found fame after being filmed in ITV series 'Foyle's War'.
One questions remains, however: what's with the hat? A spokesperson for St George's Hospital Charity explained, 'Amy tends to wear her dapper hat when out and about at an event, so presumably she was on her way somewhere glamorous to do some fundraising for St George’s Hospital Charity'.
Amy has lead a charmed life from birth, it seems. The four-year-old star had a close shave when she started life in the back of a van, heading straight for the abattoir. But one kind soul smuggled her out of the slaughterhouse, on to the tube and into freedom.
With her rags to riches backstory, TV fame and relentless charity work, we think Amy should be London's official mascot.
In other animal news, a police horse was spotted getting on board a double decker bus in Islington.