
Get ready to go 'aaaaaaaaaaah'. Earlier this year it emerged that Michael Bay – in what could either be an act of genuine empathy or monumental cynicism – had given a part in his next 'Transformers' movie to Freya, the so-called 'loneliest dog in the world'. The epileptic hound entered the British public's hearts earlier this year when it emerged that she'd spent six years in a string of animal shelters, and had been passed over for adoption 18,000 times, which has to dent your self-confidence a bit. Then, in rode white knight Bay promising to make her a star, and the rest is history.
Now a video has emerged of Freya on the set, apparently getting on great with co-star Anthony Hopkins (she's clearly comfortable enough to poo just behind him) and having a fine time with the rest of the cast and crew – fair enough, given that she probably has a more rounded role than most of the other female characters in the movie. And it's also been reported that an unspecified crew member has decided to adopt Freya for good – so there's a happy ending. Expect Bay to start pitching the movie version, starring George Clooney as the brave, brilliant film director, any day now.
'Transformers 5' is out on June 23 2017. Look for all the latest news and reviews at Time Out Film.