London's art world exploded into life this week with the return of the annual Frieze art fair. That means that pretty much every single freakin' gallery has been putting on a show to compete, and it's been incredible.
There's so much art happening in London right now that we've all grown goatees and bought berets. We're also super duper tired, because we have seen SO MUCH ART. Seriously, we can't tell our Picassos from our Citroen Picassos anymore. But we did that so you don't have to.
We've sorted the wheat from the chaff, the good from the bad, the art from the fart. So here are five essential shows for you to see this weekend.
Eye melting blue lights by Bruce Nauman at Blain Southern

Massive hulking sculptures by Antony Gormley at White Cube Bermondsey

Nude but not rude performance art by Donna Huanca at Zabludowicz Collection

Awesome word art by Ed Ruscha at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill

Right-on protest art by Guerrilla Girls at Whitechapel Gallery

Check out EVEN MORE art right blimmin' here.