Non-nerds may not be aware that December brings the first in a new run of 'Star Wars' movies. Unattached to the ongoing sequels, the 'Anthology' films are standalone adventures focusing on a specific corner of the 'Star Wars' universe. This first movie, 'Rogue One', is directed by 'Godzilla' man Gareth Edwards and is the story of how the Rebel Alliance managed to steal the plans for the Death Star right before the events of the first movie. And judging from this first trailer, it's going to be phenomenal.
So what did we learn? Felicity Jones looks the part as the street-smart criminal hired by Rebel chief Mon Mothma to lead the heist – rumours that she might be related to 'The Force Awakens' heroine Rey (Daisy Ridley) seem pretty on-point. On which note, Diego Luna must, must be playing the father (or at the very least uncle) of that movie's hotshot pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) – they have the same cocky sneer and the same '70s-in-space dress sense. Elsewhere we get AT-AT walkers rampaging across a tropical beach, Donnie Yen busting some badass karate moves and the return of those iconic Emperor's guards, unseen since 'Return of the Jedi'. We're officially, ridiculously excited.
Take a look below:

Find out more about 'Star Wars: Rogue One'.