It's time to bring out your inner child and do some serious kidulting because the world's biggest inflatable obstacle course is coming to London. The five kilometre-long circuit consists of no less than ten adult-sized blow-up hurdles. Not only will you be able to whizz down a five-storey-high, 200 foot-long slide, there'll also be a giant blow-up ball pit to fight your way through, a foam-filled labyrinth to navigate, as well as huge vertical drops and an inflatable ‘gauntlet’. Sound’s like a gas, right?

The huge obstacles will be filled with enough air to pump up more than 100 million footballs, making it the biggest course of its kind anywhere on the planet.
Coming to Brockwell Park, Lambeth on Saturday March 25, the Gung-Ho! 5k course is the brainchild of CBeebies presenter Alex Winters, who expects 5,000 Londoners to try and tackle the inflatable challenges, who'll be clambering around for a good cause. In addition to raising money for BBC's Children In Need, Gung-Ho! has also teamed up with a number of local charities too.
Tickets cost £31 until Monday January 16, when they go up in price. You can find more information at www.begung-ho.co.uk.

Want more kidult fun? An artist is bringing a bouncy castle to London – and yes, you can jump on it.