No one likes art anymore. Art’s over. Meaning, beauty, purpose, aesthetics - fuck ’em. All people REALLY want is something for the ’gram. And you know what? GOOD. I’m tired of Velázquez and Da Vinci. Pompous bastards with their paintbrushes. How am I meant to take a picture of myself in front of the Rokeby Venus? You can't put nudes on Insta ffs. And now, the primo art selfie opp of the season is closing its doors. *shakes fists at the skies* *weeps* *checks Instagram* *weeps more*. That’s right, Saturday is your last chance to take pictures of yourself standing in Do Ho Suh’s incredible fabric corridors at the Victoria Miro gallery. We gave the show a whopping four stars when it opened, and since then it’s been one of London’s most popular art exhibitions.
Read the review to figure out what in the name of art history it’s all about, but most importantly, get down there ASAP and watch the likes roll in like a tide of ill-begotten satisfaction.
Here, you could look this cool: