Everyone knows that there's a special place in hell for Bank station and its ridiculous labyrinth of tunnels. But that could all be about to change, as TfL has got the green light from the government to start on a major upgrade in the new year. Bank is the third busiest station on the tube network, which explains why it's always an absolute nightmare, but the £563 million revamp will increase the station's capacity by 40 percent.
The plans include a new railway tunnel and platform for the Northern line, step-free access to the Northern line and DLR platforms, three new lifts, 12 new escalators, a new station entrance in Cannon Street and – thank god – more direct routes between platforms, with two swanky new moving walkways. The only bad news is it won't be finished until 2021, but TfL plans for the station to stay open throughout the work. Hopefully the work won't cause too much chaos down there, but don't bank on it.
See the plans for the revamp:

Want more tube news? A Tory peer wants to ban hot food on the tube.
And have you seen the giant tube map made of Quality Street?