We’re always the first to bring you breaking news, London – and we’ve got it from a reliable source (our eyes) that a restaurant specialising in crisps is about to open at 49 Old Compton Street in Soho. ‘Hipchips’ is a mere building site at the moment, but from what we could see (well, it was clearly written on the window) it will be serving ‘fresh crisps’ and ‘fresh dips’. Nothing stale here, kids!
Pictorial evidence here.

Are we about to see London’s first artisan crisperie? Or is this just a brazen, salty marketing ploy for a new brand (which we presume is American, as no self-respecting Brit would call them ‘chips’)? We’ll bring you crisp updates as we have them.

Check out our controversial list of 28 corner-shop crisps ranked worst to best