
Six unusual boxing classes you should try this January

Written by
Annie McMonagle-Wilmot

So, it's January – the start of the annual 'this is my year to get really fit' affirmations. But if the idea of setting off on a slow paced jog in the freezing cold isn't quite floating your boat, there always indoor classes like boxing. With their fun, high intensity and calorie-burning benefits, they've become increasingly popular in London with fusion classes popping up across most of the new class timetables this year. 

If you fancy boxing away the crappiness of 2016, check out one of these hybrid classes, mixing the principles of boxing with other workouts you might already be more familiar with if you're not quite ready to channel your inner Rocky Balboa just yet.  


A photo posted by Paola's BodyBarre (@paolasbodybarre) on

Boxerina at Paola's BodyBarre

Fusing boxing with the grace and poise of ballet and pilates, this class will work your entire body and improve your agility, coordination, core strength and power. If you fancy moving effortlessly from kick-boxing into a deep plié then this is the class for you. 


A photo posted by YogaBox™ LDN (@yogaboxldn) on

YogaBox London

The YogaBox classes in Southwark have been created by a yoga teacher and a professional boxer to find the right balance for your body and your mind. The high-intensity, fat burning boxing session is countered with the calming and restorative yoga section during the second half of the class, mixing together the principles of both exercises into one fluid workout.


A photo posted by Vanessa Carby (@oicarby) on

Box and Bell at Blok London

Blok London's one-hour half-kettle bell, half-boxing class will leave you in one hell of a sweat, but you'll get a stronger core and you'll feel pretty much ready for anything. Once the aching stops, that is.


A photo posted by 1Rebel UK (@1rebeluk) on

Rumble at 1Rebel

In the dark, underground, neon-lit studios at 1Rebel, their Rumble class is an explosive 45-minute HIIT workout that's a mix of cardio boxing and mixed martial arts. This is all 'punch, kick, move' and ought to leave you feeling ridiculously on top of the world.


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HIIT Boxing at Another Space

This hour long HIIT class is packed with a variety of strength exercises that are combined with punchbag work – making for the ultimate high-energy workout that will completely fire up your metabolism.


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Box Fit at Frame 

With locations in Shoreditch, King's Cross, Queen's Park and Victoria, you've got plenty of opportunities to book yourself into Frame's 45-minute BoxFit class. It uses boxing basics and punching combinations as well as aerobic workout moves, alongside a banging soundtrack.  

Throw a few more jabs at these boxing classes in London.

Or, float like a butterfly and sting like a bee at the city's best boxing gyms.

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