
Six things Londoners think throughout their work day in the summer

Written by
Kelly Prince-Wright

Summer in London usually means slightly warmer days in the city and a couple extra hours of daylight to visit your local pubs. But let's not forget that along with the good and the great of summer comes the downright horrific. The sweaty unfortunate tube ride resembling a descent into a day spa – not the good kind – and there are just some weekdays when you think 'no thanks summer, we’re going to call it a day and stay at home'. So get ready to agree or disagree, but here are six things Londoners think throughout their workday in the summertime.


Yes. #nottodaysatan

A photo posted by Sophia Joy (@sophiajoyyy) on

1. 'Not today, Satan.'

After your alarm goes off at the strikingly warm hour of 6am on a Monday, you curse your tiny flat in Dalston as the sweat drips from your forehead. Not today, Satan. Not today. 


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2. 'Why did I shower today?'

Your commute, while an annoyance at the best of times, suddenly becomes a thing of pure loathing. Taking those brave steps into the sauna-like chaos of the Central line each morning, you’ll have instant regrets about that refreshing shower you took an hour ago, immediate regrets about not bringing a change of clothes and you’re fairly sure that the guy behind you just dripped sweat onto you as he hopped off at Bond Street. Happy days. 


A photo posted by Sally Hyland (@sally.amelia) on

3. 'Give me all the ice.'

Your once-beloved office tea and coffee are no longer that convenient little break that you need. Who could have a hot drink when it’s 30 degrees up in here? Nope, your only solace is that you need to physically leave the building to go and source iced drinks.


Home-made air conditioner😂😂😂😂 #hotlondon

A photo posted by Aubrey (@aubreylinran) on

4. 'I like the heat, but this is just too hot.'

Yep, we’ve become those people who actively crave the winter weather. We’ve been wishing for London to be hot enough to throw open all the windows in the office, and when we finally get it what do we do? Complain. Always wanting what we can’t have. 


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5. 'Is that the time?'

This thought crosses the minds of all Londoners throughout the work day, whether it's 10am and you're wishing it was 5pm or you've suddenly found yourself still at work at 8pm. In the summer, all hours blend into one and somehow because of extra daylight, 8pm looks like 6pm. Confusion ensues.


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6. 'To the pub!'

When all's said and done, the only thing left to do at the end of the day is hit up the best of London's pubs… and their outdoor pub gardens. There's nothing better than busting out of the office and grabbing a pint (because something's gotta cool you off).

Check out where to go when London's just too hot.

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