
Six photos of autumn in London that'll make you want to get outside (even though it's really cold)

Time Out Reader Takeover Contributor
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Time Out Reader Takeover Contributor

Autumn hues, crunchy leaves and crisp sunny days: London scrubs up pretty well at this time of year. We asked Time Out readers to share their favourite seasonal snaps

St James’s Park (above)

‘It was a beautiful sunny day so I went to St James’s Park to take photos of autumn leaves. I love the amazing colours at this time of year. The squirrel came so close and, as I rustled a leaf, he quickly climbed the railings to see what I had.’ Angela Jakowicz, @lensereflection

Kew Gardens

‘I really enjoy taking photos in my local neighbourhood during the colourful autumn months. This was a shop display that caught my eye near Kew Gardens. I love the variety of sizes, colours and textures of the pumpkins.’ Caroline Keyzor, @c.k.travels

Walpole Park

‘I consider morning walks around west London parks almost a necessity. It was about 9.30am and I tried to capture the poetry of this year’s first autumnal morning. Red, green and yellow, lights and shadows altogether. A vivid visual feast at the borderline between summer and autumn.’ Ina Ciobanu, @withinlondon

Wandsworth Town station

‘Autumn is a great time to pause and take in your surroundings. Especially in London, as everyone around you is hurrying from one place to another. Even more so when the light catches the train just right and you’re the only one to notice just before it speeds off into the setting sun.’ Gemma Harris, @polagem

Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park

‘I took this after visiting the “Age of Terror” exhibition at the Imperial War Museum. When I came out, the scene in Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park was so beautiful, and in such contrast to some of the images in the exhibition. It reminded me that even in these frightening times, there is still a world of beauty at our fingertips.’ Katy Rigg, @amileinmyshoesblog

Richmond Park

‘It was early dawn and the fog was so thick, you could only see a few metres ahead. The subtle light peeped through, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. This exceptional lighting is what makes Richmond Park so charming in the autumn.’ Peter Li, @pli.panda

Feeling inspired? Check out these great things to do this autumn.

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