
Exciting developments in Potterland overnight, regarding JK Rowling’s Harry Potter’s two-part stage play ‘The Cursed Child’, which we’ll summarise in a handy list.
1. ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ parts one and two will have an initial run at the Palace Theatre in the West End of June 7 to September 18
2. Priority booking tickets will go on sale at 11am Wednesday October 28 and then to the general public at 11am Friday October 30.
3. IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP FOR PRIORITY BOOKING - go to www.harrypottertheplay.com and sign up before 11.45pm on Saturday October 24.
4. The two-part play is set up to be viewed in both parts where possible – all tickets are to see both plays (unless you specifically want to see just one), and the run is tailored to enable you to watch both on the same day or on consecutive nights, in the same seat. Both parts will be performed Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, with just part one on Thursday, just part two on Friday, and no performances Monday and Tuesday.
5. Prices will run £20-£130 for both plays, or £10-£65 for a single play.
6. It will clearly be incredibly popular and four months is a very short initial run. BUT DON’T DESPAIR. There will be a daily ticket lottery to purchase a seat for that day’s performances – £30 in preview, £40 after (we’re not totally sure what the deal is on one play days). And every Friday at 1pm 20 tickets will go on sale on line for each of the following week’s performances at the same price.
7. Er, oh yeah, the story! Buggered if we know, but we’re told it follows directly on from the end of ‘The Deathly Hallows’ and is set ’19 years later’, meaning its presumably set in the same timeline as the ‘Deathly Hallows’ epilogue, with Harry and the gang all adults heading towards middle age.
And that is pretty much all we know for now!
Check out our ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ guide and our ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ listing, and best of luck when the tickets go on sale next week!