If you scrunch your eyes shut really tight and think hard about ‘The Wizard of Oz’, what comes into your head? Is there one image that drifts up? It probably looks nothing like the beautiful and strangely haunting smear of purples and blues in Jason Shulman's 'The Wizard of Oz' – which compresses the entire film into one photograph. A series of the London-based artist's long-exposure photos has just gone on show at the Cobb Gallery in Camden. And they are things of beauty.
The project started when Shulman pointed his camera at his computer and exposed the negative for an hour and a half. He began compressing entire movies into photographs. He calls them pieces of the films’ DNA. ‘There are roughly 130,000 frames in a 90-minute film and every frame of each film is recorded in these photographs. You could take all the frames and shuffle them like a deck of cards, and no matter the shuffle, you would end up with the same image I have arrived at. Each of these photographs is the genetic code of a film.’ Films in the exhibition include ‘Citizen Kane’, ‘The Wizard of Oz’, ‘Deep Throat’ and ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’.
'Photographs of Films' is at the Cob Gallery until June 4.
Can you guess these?


(The Wizard of Oz)

(Citizen Kane)