Scarlett Johansson has been talking to Time Out ahead of this week’s release of the new sci-fi movie ‘Ghost in the Shell’, in which she plays a cyborg in the near-future. The actress's mind was as much on politics as cinema and especially her fellow New Yorker Donald Trump, who she describes as ‘an unpredictable person who is clearly a megalomaniac.’

Pieter M van Hattem
‘We’ve had other administrations that were backward, in that they were not progressive,’ the 32-year-old explains. ‘But this presidency is unprecedented because we have someone in office who has absolutely no political experience whatsoever – ever.’
Johansson says that her biggest fear regarding her new government is its attitude towards the environment.
‘I’m most concerned about the environmental ramifications because that’s a clock you can’t turn back. The thing that is scariest is the huge environmental impact.’
She went on to take issue with the idea that Trump managed to project an image of being a man of the people which contributed to his election victory in November 2016.
‘I don’t think he is seen as a man of the people, though,’ she argues.
‘I think that people are in some ways so self-loathing that they couldn’t actually elect somebody who was speaking to them. Voters just thought: Let’s try something else! Without actually thinking what that could mean. Reform: yes, I’m for that. But being anti-government altogether? That doesn’t make any sense. It’s ignorant and silly and frustrating.
‘But there you have it – four years! Darkness is nigh. It’s okay, I’m staying. I’ll fight the good fight!’